Hip-Hop Storm

導演:蘇哲賢 SU Che-hsien


This is a documentary about two generations of hip-hop dancers. 
“I’m 34 now and still dancing. Probably I won’t stop until I win,” said Alun. For him, hip-hop is his life, his oxygen. During the 90’s, when Taiwan was just liberated from  authoritarian, he formed the first Taiwanese hip-hop group, “The Party”, and released two albums, even though he was subjected to vast pressure from the disagreeing eyes in the society. However, the group was somehow dismissed and the members simply went separate ways. Alun therefore went to Osaka, New York, Europe, Brazil and other places to explore different souls of the dance.
“He is totally nuts about hip-hop,” as described by his students. For most people, no one understands what he really wants to say, let alone what he really thinks. This documentary records the period between 2007 and 2008 when Alun participated in the world break-dance contest in Paris. In order to cover his travel expenses, he even taught the basic amateur dances, just because – “I’m a dancer and if I had never tried for even just once, I would always regret it.”
※ 榮獲第47屆臺北金馬獎最佳紀錄片(2010)
※ 第二屆溫哥華新亞洲電影節,展映 (2009)
※ 第7屆廣州紀錄片大會,《生活中的陽光》展播評優
※ 第6屆中國獨立影像年度展,入圍學生短片競賽
※ 第32屆金穗獎 入圍
※ 第一屆北京國際電影季紀錄片征集 入圍前20(2011)