
日期: 2013.02.18(一)
時間: 18:30-20:30
地點: 地點: 香港中文大學 邵逸夫堂
嘉賓: 林碧君女士(臨床心理學家)
Film: Metal and Melancholy
Date: 2013.02.18 (Mon)
Time: 18:30-20:30
Venue: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Guest: Ms. Lam Pik Kwan (Clinical Psychologist)
*Spanish with Chi & Eng Subtitles, free admission.
Map of CUHK
金屬與憂鬱的國度 Metal and Melancholy
荷蘭 Netherlands / 1993 / 80min / Heddy HONIGMANN
◎2007 加拿大國際紀錄片電影節
Hot Docs International Documentary Festival
◎1995 日本山形國際紀錄片影展市長特別獎
Mayor's Prize, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival
◎1994 法國真實影展最佳影片
Grand Prix, Cinéma du Réel
You live in Lima, a Latin-American metropolis with 7 million inhabitants, in Peru, where in the nineteen eighties and nineties the economic situation has grown increasingly hopeless. You still manage to have a job, with the salary of which you can pay for gas and electricity, but not the rent; or you have even lost your job. The only thing that hasn’t been stolen is your old car that you bought when you could still afford it. So, for a dollar you buy a sign saying “taxi”, stick it on your windscreen, and throw yourself into the Lima traffic. The competition is murderous, but the earnings, however small, are still quite worthwhile in a country where the members of the middle-classes – teachers, army officers, doctors, civil servants – earn salaries of a few hundred dollars a month. As a taxi-driving economist explains in the film: in Peru there is hardly any middles-class left. This film takes the viewer on a taxi-trip through Lima. The portraits of the drivers grow into a panorama of human fighting spirit, the many ingenious ways of survival we humans employ, of passion, pain, hope, and zest for life.
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet 
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