[The Good Lab]站2013.03.12

日期: 2013.03.12(二)
時間: 19:30-20:45
地點: 好單位小劇場,西九龍通州街500號星匯居L1(港鐵長沙灣站步行6分鐘,南昌站步行10分鐘)
杜澄興先生(設計師、 港大建築系碩士生)
盧韻淇小姐 & 史嘉茵小姐(「空城計劃」成員)
Film: Unfinished Italy
Date: 2013.03.12 (Tue)
Time: 19:30-20:45
Venue: Mini Theatre, The Good Lab, L1, The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau Street, West Kowloon
Mr. Derrick To ( Designer、Master of Architecture )
Ms. Wiki Lo & Ms. Sze Ka Yan ( EmptySCape Member )
* Italian with Chi and Eng subtitles, free admission.
意大利未完成 Unfinished Italy
意大利 Italy / 2010 / 35min / Benoit FELICI
◎2011 羅馬獨立影展最佳意大利紀錄片
Best Italian Documentary Film, Rome Independent Film Festival
◎2011 馬德里紀錄片影展評審團首獎
First Prize of the Jury, Documenta Madrid
做為曾經稱霸歐亞非的古羅馬帝國的政商重心,意大利有大量的古老遺跡,是觀光業興盛的一大原因。其中,意大利最大的行政區──西西里島,也曾是古希臘的殖民區,有著豐富的山城、皇宮、神殿、墓穴等遺址。本片的拍攝地點正是位於西西里島,用寬闊的視角,拍攝了大量當地的遺跡廢墟,擁有意、法雙重國籍的青年導演Benoit FELICI,選擇以流動、唯美的攝影風格,記錄意大利明媚風光背後的廢墟奇景。然而,這些廢墟是自二戰後到現在,因為腐敗的政治、未經審慎思考就開出的空頭支票,導致大量興建未成便廢止的建物:沒有觀眾的體育館;從沒有病人進住的醫院;完工後五十年來從未有過演出的劇院;兀自聳立的巨大橋墩……本片不僅呈現了當地人民的生活樣貌,更藉著這些「現代遺跡」功能的轉換與再利用,突顯了當地人無限的創造力與生命力。
“Unfinished buildings have the beauty of this which could have been. Of this which is not yet there. Of this which might be one day.” (Inspired by “Le temps en ruines” by Marc AUGÉ) Italy, home of ruins: A foray into the unfinished, Italy’s most prominent architectural style between the end of WW2 and the present day. Buildings in a limbo between perfection and nothingness, given up on halfway through their construction, fallen into ruin before they were ever used, are an integral part of the Italian architectural landscape: Stadiums without audiences, hospitals without patients, theaters that after 50 years have not yet seen their premiere. This is a study of the potential value of unfinished buildings in Italy and of man’s ability to adapt them to his everyday needs. These ruins, whose future has already passed and whose present carries the taste of an eternal wait, act as an invitation to meditate about time.
家住油麻地,喜歡閒逛,喜歡撿破爛;現於香港大學修讀建築碩士課程;課餘時是一名freelance設計師,也教書。熱愛探索的他喜歡思考人與人、人與物件、人與場所,以及人與事件間的相互關係。希望出謀出力建設一個更好的未來。 去年和今年,杜與一群志同道合之士籌劃了城市公共空間活動“Park(in) Progress”及“A Park(ing) Date”,令鬧市街頭的咪錶泊車位搖身一變為迷你時租公園,試圖探討城市生活空間的意義及可能性。
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet
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