
日期: 2013.03.21(四)
時間: 18:00-20:00
地點: 香港大學本部校園 莊月明物理樓CYP-P3講堂
嘉賓: 何式凝 博士(香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系副教授)
Film: Connected : An Autoblogography about Love, Death & Technology
Date: 2013.03.21 (Thu)
Time: 18:00-20:00
Venue: CYP-P3, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Guest: Dr. HO Sik-ying, Petula (Associate Professor, Dept. of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong)
*English with Chinese Subtitles, free admission.
何式凝博士,香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系副教授,博士導師,研究領域涵蓋男同性戀,女性情欲和多元關係等課題。何式凝畢業于香港大學,後在英國Essex大學獲得博士學位,研究及論文發表在眾多知名的國際學術期刊。她積極推動性與社會性別研究領域的理論發展,通過實證主義案例,反思女權主義理論,挑戰西方學術思想的壟斷。除了教學與研究,何式凝曾主持多個電臺節目,包括《形形色色何式凝》、《黃色訊號》、《一箋茶論盡天下》、《自由風,自由Phone》。近年與顏聯武主持《今夜陽光燦爛》、《有武心情》和《顏式生活》,建立另類粉絲群。從2007年遊學日本時跌傷手腕的意外中,何博士反思自己的學術與人生。藉拍攝紀錄片,打破傳統的知識生產模式,創新社會研究的方法,並借視像呈現與詮釋女性情欲和渴望。2008年與莫頌靈成立二人女子錄影創作組合 The Sik Ying HO & Jolene MOK Production,合作完成的作品收錄在【香港廿二春:師奶列傳】中。從22位香港中年女性的訪問中,探討中國女性身處的狀況及自我發展的多元性。近作有【母女對對配】、【東都密語】、【山寨王子】。她期望能遊走在藝術與學術間,在游泳和舞蹈的日常生活中,找尋創作的觸覺,發現多姿多彩的人生。
About Guest Speaker
Dr. Petula Ho is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong. Dr. Ho is one the few recognised experts in the relatively uncharted territory of gender and sexuality studies in Hong Kong and China. Dr. Ho's main research and teaching interests are in the area of homosexuality, gender and sexuality issues. Dr. Ho has published numerous papers in international leading journals in sexuality and gender studies, including Sex Roles: A Journal of Sex Research, Journal of Sex Research, Violence Against Women, Sexualities, Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, and Women's Studies International Forum, making important contributions to the development of a dynamic theory of gender and sexuality in the international arena that will help problematize feminist theories and resist Western hegemonies through empirical case studies that make connections between discourses, cultural practices, political economy, and social change. She also uses documentary films to explore the integration of arts and scholarship.
愛的進化論 Connected : An Autoblogography about Love, Death and Technology
美國 USA / 2011 / 82min / Tiffany SHLAIN
◎2011 Maui影展觀眾票選最佳紀錄片
Best Documentary, Maui Film Festival Audience Award
網路發展到智慧型手機的演進,通訊與科技將現代人的一切生活與文化活動,跨越時空地連結在一起。 科學一詞在希臘字源中所指即是切割,人類不斷尋找不可切割的粒子或終極答案,卻忽略了人與人、 人與自然、與世界的連結。本片充滿符號與隱喻的活潑動畫,穿插大量歷史影像、多媒體素材,呈現歷史重大事件以及當前危機。導演為文明發展提出一個省思性的回顧,同時其自身家庭成員的互動觀察及父女的溫情自白,更增添此紀錄片的感人元素。
With wonderful heart and an impressive sense of scale, Connected explores the visible and invisible connections linking major issues of our time - the environment, consumption, population growth, technology, human rights, the global economy - while searching for her place in the world during a transformative time in her life. With humor, curiosity and irony, the SHLAIN family life merges with philosophy to create both a personal portrait and a proposal for ways we can move forward as a civilization. The film proposes that after centuries of declaring independence, it may be time for us to declare our interdependence instead.
*第二輪巡展特刊下載:2nd Round Booklet
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