
日期: 2013.10.30(三)
時間: 18:00-20:00
地點: 香港大學 鈕魯詩樓 K223
嘉賓: 趙善榮先生(「公平點」@「公平貿易動力」主席)
Film: Big Boys Gone Bananas!*
Date: 2013.10.30 (Wed)
Time: 18:00-20:00
Venue: K223, Knowles Building, The University of Hong Kong
Guest Speaker: Mr. Anthony Chiu (Chairman, Fair Circle@Hong Kong Fair Trade Power)
*English & Swedish with Chi & partial Eng subtitles
*This event is free of charge. No registration is required. Any change of programme details will be announced on website cnex.org.hk and Facebook page.
香港中文大學畢業,現時是「香港公平貿易動力」總監。經過多年的職場拚搏,2004年初,他開始了「從南(極洲)到北(極圈)」的旅程——由南 極洲起,穿越南美洲、中美洲及北美洲,再到北極圈內的格淩蘭。在這一年多的旅程中,他最大的收穫是重新「發現」了自己。現時他致力在香港及中國推動公平貿易運動,《富裕的貧窮》作者。
 About The Guest Speaker
- Mr. Anthony Chiu
After years of tireless devotion to his own career since graduating from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Chiu decided to set out a world expedition in 2004. From Antarctica to the Arctic, he traversed the two poles and three American continents from in a year. He deemed it a journey of self-discovery, and published a book sharing his insight into poverty. Currently as the Director of HKFTO, Chiu now endeavors to fair trade advocacy in Hong Kong and China.
合辦單位 Partner
香港大學 通識教育部
General Education Unit,The University of Hong Kong
影片簡介 About The Film