【影片簡介】殺人有理 Licensed to Kill

【身份認同】篇 Awakening of Identities
Licensed to Kill
美國 USA︱1997︱78 min︱曾奕田 Arthur DONG
1998  新聞與紀錄片艾美獎最佳導演獎提名
Best Director Nomination, News & Documentary Emmy Award
1997  日舞影展最佳紀錄片導演、最佳年度電影工作者獎
Documentary Directing Award & Filmmakers Trophy, Sundance Film Festival
一九九○年代末美國社會的多起同志兇殺案,促使華裔導演曾奕田拍攝他「同志戰事」三部曲(Stories from the War on Homosexuality)其中的第二部《殺人有理》。曾經也遭受過「反同者」攻擊的導演,不沉溺於受害者的自憐中,帶著他的攝影機深入案件的背後,前往監獄及改造所內,與曾殺害同性戀者的罪犯面對面對質,從訪談中試著了解他們犯罪背後的隱情,以及對同性戀者的仇視究竟從何而來,更藉著這幾名罪犯的告白,剖析美國社會、政治、文化環境是否間接造就他們「殺人有理」的價值觀?
Licensed to Kill takes a riveting journey into the minds of men whose contempt for homosexuals led them to murder. Attacked 20 years ago by gay bashers on the streets of San Francisco, filmmaker Arthur DONG confronts murderers of gay men face-to-face in his film. He asks them directly: “Why did you do it?” Probing on-camera interviews with seven convicted killers behind bars propel the narrative drive of Licensed to Kill. These inmates include a wide range of distinct profiles: a young man who claims he justifiably killed as protection from his victim’s sexual advances– a defense known as “homosexual panic”; a self-loathing, religious gay man who killed because of his own homosexual identification; a victim of child abuse who feared losing his manhood; an army sergeant angry over the gays in the military debate; and a self-described homeboy looking for easy prey.
Licensed to Kill is an uncompromising investigation into the roots of anti-gay violence. As seen through the eyes of murderers, the film examines the social, political and cultural environments of these men and questions whether society had given them a "license to kill" homosexuals.
策展主題 About The Theme